See Yourself in New Light

Hi there! I'm Linda, and I help transform stories, one narrative at a time.   

Chances are, you're here for one of two reasons: either you're interested in my coaching practice, 9 Lumens or my newsletter Illuminate.

But here's the thing—they're both driven by the same face and heart: a passion for uncovering stories that have been buried or hidden and bringing them alive.

Time and time again I’ve witnessed the transformative power of allowing lives to speak, not just to be heard, but to be re-told, reshaped, renewed, and revitalized.

I’m here to help shine a light on the stories that matter most to you.

Linda Hannigan, Enneagram Coach, Type 3


Current series is First Ladies: A Study of the Women in Genesis.

Illuminate is a space dedicated to shedding light on the stories of women in Scripture. Your presence here is invaluable, resonating with the significance of women within the narratives of God's Word.

My journey to understand God's heart for women began with the transformative experience of embracing Jesus after wandering as a prodigal daughter.

However, reconciling my personal experiences with my earlier notions of the Bibleprovellenging. This led me to study for a Bachelor of Theology, equipping me with tools to study Scripture personally and apply its teachings to every facet of life.

Since 2020, I’ve been consumed with sharing my mission to study and teach every woman in the Bible, bringing these insights with a Coaching mindset through a lecture-series format.

Women walk out with fresh perspectives and a deeper understanding of the women in the Bible, forging connections between these narratives and their own stories. This transformative experience leaves them feeling seen and heard, with a profound assurance that God intentionally created them as women for a purpose – and being a woman is very good.

For the latest study series and e-course offerings, be sure to sign up for the newsletter. I am also available for teaching engagements in both large and small group settings.

Personal Coaching

Knowing your number is not the point of the enneagram; it’s the beginning point. It is meant to be used as a tool for transformation.  

But while acquiring information about a number is informative, it’s not transformative and life changing. Coaching is a safe and encouraging way to do the self-reflective work that reveals your blind spots and the reasons why you think the way you do.
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Team Coaching

Every team has its own dynamics, because a lot of different personalities make up a team, and each team member has different ways of moving about their world.

Team coaching involves customized sessions that will help your team members learn more about why they think, feel, and act the way they do. Your team will come away with more understanding for each other, which will foster not only a more effective team but will enrich all areas of each team member’s life.
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See Beyond Your Number

Many people know their basic Enneagram type. And (as long as your type is correct) that’s not a bad start. But your type is only the beginning.

As an experienced coach, I will guide you through a process of understanding patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting that may have you stuck in a rut.

And I will help you identify a well-lit pathway out of that rut. It’s one thing to be aware of your personality; it’s another thing to know what to do with that awareness. And this is where a relationship with an Enneagram coach is invaluable.

Typing Session

Confused and unclear about the Enneagram and what those numbers represent? Wondering why some people are so sure about their number, and others not so much? Stuck between a couple of numbers and don’t know what to do?

Finding your type can be challenging. Enneagram has many layers to it, most of which are subconscious and, therefore, difficult to assess. In typing sessions, I can help you discover your type and shed light on what to do next to turn that information into transformation.

Enneagram Type Guide

Type 1 - The Reformer

“I can show you the better way.” 
“I am good if I do what is right.”

Divine Gift

Goodness and perfection



Core Desire

To be virtuous, accurate, and have integrity


I am not worthy of love unless I do right

Focus of Attention

Needing to fix and perfect yourself, others, the world, and everything they do

Core Passion

Resentmentsuppressed anger leading to constant frustration and dissatisfaction of both your outer world and inner world


Making mistakes and losing self-control

Underlying Emotion

Guilt and anger


Being wrong, unworthy, criticized, or inappropriate

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to make mistakes

Long to Hear

You are good


Acceptance and patience

Communication Style

Teaching, mentoring, preaching

In Stress

Move toward type 4moody, self-doubting, self-pitying, and depressed

In Growth

Move toward type 7enthusiastic, spontaneous, optimistic

Type 2 - The Helper

 “I’m here to help you.”
“I am good if I am meeting everyone else’s needs.”

Divine Gift

Loving and serving to nurture



Core Desire

To be needed


I am loved because I sacrifice

Focus of Attention

Needs of others

Core Passion

Priderefusing to admit your own needs because you feel no one can take care of you as well as you can take care of others


Disappointing others and feeling unappreciated

Underlying Emotion



Being rejected, unwanted, and loved

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to have your own needs

Long to Hear

You are wanted and loved


Humility and pure love

Communication Style

Encouraging, advice-giving, comforting

In Stress

Move toward type 8intrusive, defensive, controlling, and demanding

In Growth

Move toward type 4self-caring, more aware, and willing to admit your own emotions

Type 3 - The Achiever

 “I can get it all done.”
“Who am I if I am not successful or appear successful?”

Divine Gift

Hope and radiance



Core Desire

To appear successful and be admired


I am what I do

Focus of Attention

Tasks, goals, and future achievements

Core Passion

Deceitbelieving you are the image you project to win admiration of others, so you adjust to whatever is required for success


Failure and incompetence

Underlying Emotion

Feeling ashamed


Being incapacitated, unaccomplished, or worthless

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to have your own feelings and identity

Long to Hear

You are loved for being you, and love does not have to be earned


Truthfulness and faithfulness

Communication Style

Motivating, efficient , self-assured, promoting

In Stress

Move toward type 9decision paralysis, less-resourceful, disengaged

In Growth

Move toward type 6Less focused on self; trusting others, and more loyal to yourself by being aware of feelings

Type 4 - The Individualist

“Who am I if I’m not special and important?”
“I am my feelings.”

Divine Gift

Creativity and depth



Core Desire

To be special and unique


I am deficient and no one understands me

Focus of Attention

Search for authentic self, what is missing in yourself, your life, or relationships

Core Passion



Being ordinary and blending in

Underlying Emotion

Shamelow view of self


Being unnoticed or abandoned

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to be too muchtoo functional or too happy

Long to Hear

You are seen and loved for exactly who you are


Contentment and gratitude

Communication Style

Deep, authentic, and expressive

In Stress

Move toward type 2turn attention to meeting others needs by becoming a “suffering servant,” manipulative, clingy, and indirect

In Health

Move toward type 1move from passive victim to active agent: balanced, objective, and principled

Type 5 - Investigator

“Just give me some space.” 
“Why are things the way they are?”

Divine Gift



Abundance mindset

Core Desire

Being knowledgeable, capable, and competent


I must be self-sufficient

Focus of Attention

Amass knowledge, conserve energy, and observe for understanding

Core Passion

Avaricelack of ability to be open and generous with resources and oneself



Underlying Emotion



Being annihilated, invaded, depleted, or unprepared

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to be comfortable in the world

Long to Hear

Your needs are not a problem


Generosity and community

Communication Style

Brief, intellectual, and factual

In Stress

Move toward type 7impulsive, restless, scattered, and sarcastic

In Health

Move toward type 8self-confident, assertive, decisive, and prone to act; see knowledge as power rather than safety; protect, enrich, and enlarge others

Type 6 - The Loyalist

“You can count on me.” 
“What am I to do? Are we safe?”

Divine Gift

Faith and loyalty



Core Desire

Certain of safety, security, and support


I don’t have what it takes

Focus of Attention

What could go wrong

Core Passion



Riskbeing helpless or not in control in the face of danger

Underlying Emotion

Fear (manifests either as phobic or counter-phobic)


Being defenseless, caught off guard, abandoned, or alone

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to trust or depend on yourself

Long to Hear

You are safe and secure


Courage and confidence

Communication Style

Supportive, cautious, inquisitive

In Stress

Move toward type 3frenetic, stay busy to avoid feeling anxious, steer clear of failure, display arrogance thinking that you know all possible situations

In Health

Move toward type 9calm, relaxed mindset, and trusting the process

Type 7 - The Enthusiast

 “Let’s enjoy all life has to offer.”
“I must be fun and entertained."

Divine Gift

Joy, abundance, and freedom


To be happy and free

Core Desire



I will be made happy by external experiences

Focus of Attention

What’s next?

Core Passion

Insatiability or gluttony


Pain, suffering, boredom, and constraints

Underlying Emotion



Being trapped in pain or deprived and unsatisfied

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to depend on anyone for anything

Long to Hear

You will be taken care of


Joy and groundedness

Communication Style

Animated, quick, and inventive

In Stress

Move toward type 1demanding, critical, angry, and resentful

In Health

Move toward type 5can be present, observant, rational, and accepting of life

Type 8 - The Challenger

 “I am the rock.”
“I am good if I am strong."

Divine Gift

Power and protection



Core Desire

To be in control


I must defend myself

Focus of Attention

Taking charge

Core Passion

Lust or shamelessness


Vulnerability or weakness

Underlying Emotion

Guiltfeeling not good enough


Being exposed, disrespected, disempowered, or controlled

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to be vulnerable or trust anyone

Long to Hear

You will not be betrayed: you do not have to be strong to be loved


Tenderness and innocence

Communication Style

Honest, direct, and intense

In Stress

Move toward type 5withdrawn, isolated, more cerebral, and less action-oriented

In Health

Move toward type 2altruistic, empowering of others, and empathetic

Type 9 - The Peacemaker

“I must maintain peace and calm.”
“Do I really matter?”

Divine Gift

Peace and oneness


Right action

Core Desire

To be comfortable and settled


I don’t matter very much

Focus of Attention

Agenda or expectations of others

Core Passion

Sloth or indolencerelational negligence


Conflict, confrontation, and feeling uncomfortable

Underlying Emotion



Being invisible and insignificant or being internally divided

Childhood Message

It’s not ok to assert yourself or think much of yourself

Long to Hear

Your presence matters


Engagement and autonomy

Communication Style

Friendly, approachable, others-focused

In Stress

Move toward type 6doubtful, reactive, and defensive

In Health

Move toward type 3focused, active and accomplished, promoting their own position and preference

The Real History of the Enneagram
A Course by Tyler Zach


“Before coaching, if I were to have something negative impact me, it would cause a negative churn. Eventually, it would end with me feeling like I was unwanted and unloved. While, overtime, it has been less impactful on my life, it would still happen. After coaching, I have been able to intercept the negative churn and keep my footing; thereby, stopping the feelings and replacing them with feelings of love and being wanted by God and my family.

Sam W, Puyallup, Washington
One-On-One Coaching

“Linda is a kind and non-judgmental listener who helped me weed through some of my personality struggles. She always pointed me back to God and how I could depend on God to replace my false internal messages.” 

Sarah C, Salem, Oregon
One-On-One Coaching

"Linda is a gifted coach whose understanding of the Enneagram tool helps her clients gain insight into their lives. She asks excellent, thought-provoking questions in each session. I left my coaching sessions with a better understanding of the Enneagram tool and how it can be applied to various situations in my life."

Andrea C, Coquitlam, BC
One-On-One Coaching

"The main revelation for me has been the enhanced trust in my ability to navigate the demands of my work without fear of being emotionally depleted or fear that I won’t have enough energy to finish the day. This was a constant preoccupation before receiving Enneagram coaching from Linda. This is of immense value to me."

Kathryn D, Tacoma, Washington
One-To-One Coaching

"The way Linda crafts the time is so safe. You feel exposed and vulnerable, and yet, so empowered all the time. It's a beautiful thing to feel really known."

Adina O, Tacoma, Washington
Team Coaching

“I was very encouraged by how many people gained greater self-awareness, and the conversations that followed were invaluable. In an environment where it is easy to get task focused, this set-apart time grew us as a collective team.”

Chris H, Tacoma, Washington
Team Coaching

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